Terms & Conditions

Business conditions

internet portal ekskursijasturcija.lv
valid and effective from 15 February 2020
for reservations and sales of trips, tickets for entertainment, adventure or other events for the use of free time through the online store located at the Internet address www.ekskursijasturcija.lv
1.1. Organizer
zz1.1.1. The internet portal ekskursijasturcija.lv is operated by the company: Trips in Turkey based in Alanya Öğretmenevi Sok. 3 / C 07400. (hereinafter also referred to as the “Organizer”).
1.2. Business partner
1.2.1. The business partner of the Organizer mentioned above is the business company MBJ servis sro, IČ 07931433, with its registered office at Budějovická 2056/96, 140 00, Prague 4 – Krč, entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 310073 (hereinafter also only “Business Partner”).
1.2.2. The contact details of the Organizer are as follows:
a) telephone: +90 850 307 65 77
b) electronic address (e-mail): info@ekskursijasturcija.lv
(c) address for service of letters: Öğretmenevi Sok. 3 / C
07400 Alanya
1.2.3. Contact details of the Business Partner:
a) telephone: +420 244 402 289
b) electronic address (e-mail): info@ekskursijasturcija.lv
c) address for letter deliveries: Budějovická 2056/96, 140 00, Prague 4 – Krč
1.3. Web portal ekskursijasturcija.lv
1.3.1. The organizer operates on the Internet domain available at (URL) ekskursijasturcija.lv
the online system offers clients reservations and the purchase of trips, tickets for cultural, social,
entertainment, adventure, sports or other leisure activities. Organizer on the web
portals publish offers of trips and tickets.

    2.1. The organizer undertakes to arrange a trip and the necessary tickets for the client on the basis of a contract concluded in accordance with Art. 3 and the client undertakes to pay for the trip and tickets in the manner according to Art. 4.
    3.1. The portal contains information about trips in the form of offers, including the prices of individual trips. Trip prices are listed including all related fees. The registration fee of 20% of the price of trips does not include value added tax, as all offered trips are carried out in countries outside the European Union, where value added tax does not apply.
    3.2. Trip prices remain valid as long as they are displayed on the web portal. This provision does not limit the seller’s ability to enter into a contract under individually negotiated conditions.
    3.3. The contract is concluded electronically, based on filling in and sending the order form, which will be displayed to the client, after clicking on the selected name of the trip. Then the client fills in the date and number of people and clicks on the button “BOOK NOW”, then the so-called Booking form, where the order form contains information about:
    a) booked trip,
    b) method of payment of the trip,
    c) accommodation hotels,
    3.4. Before sending an order created in accordance with the previous article of the Business Conditions, the Client is allowed to check and change the data he has entered in the order, even with regard to the possibility of detecting and correcting errors arising when entering data into the order by the Client. The Client sends the order by clicking on the “Submit” button, and the completed and sent order is considered a proposal for concluding the contract. The condition for sending the order is the approval of these Business Conditions, which form part of the contract. The data stated in the order are considered correct by the Organizer. The Organizer shall confirm the receipt of the Client’s order by e-mail within 24 hours at the latest, to the Customer’s electronic address specified in the order.
    3.5. The Contract is concluded at the moment of delivery of the order acceptance (acceptance) by the Organizer, which is sent by the Organizer to the Client by e-mail to the Client’s Electronic Address, while acceptance of the order (acceptance)
    3.6. The organizer reserves the right to refuse to enter into the contract, even without giving reasons.
    3.7. For some trips, the date may be changed or canceled due to capacity, climatic or organizational reasons. The Organizer reserves the right to change the date chosen by the Client in the order, while the Client must be informed about this possibility in time and if he does not accept a replacement date, he may withdraw from the contract and is entitled to a refund of the paid registration fee.
    3.8. The client agrees to the use of means of communication at a distance when concluding the contract. The costs incurred by the Client in the use of means of distance communication in connection with the conclusion of the contract (costs of internet connection, costs of telephone calls) shall be borne by the Client himself, while these costs do not differ from the basic rate.
    4.1. The price of the trip is stated in the offer, while the Client cannot order more trips within one Order.
    4.2. The price of the trip in the offer is stated including all fees (more on this Article 3.1.).
    4.3. Within the order, the client can choose the method of payment of the trip price in one of the following ways:
    • cashless transfer to the bank account of the Organizer’s Business Partner
    ComGate Payments, a.s.
    Gočárova třída 1754 / 48b, Hradec Králové
    E-mail: payment-support@comgate.cz
    Tel: +420 228 224 267
    • cashless payment card. (Currently in solution)
    4.4. The Organizer always requires the Client a registration fee of 20% of the total trip price.
    4.5. In the case of payment of a registration fee of 20% of the trip price by transfer to the bank account of the Organizer’s Business Partner, the amount corresponding to this price is payable within 72 hours of the conclusion of the contract. Until the non-cash payment is credited to the Organizer’s Business Partner account, there will be no binding confirmation of the trip. The client acknowledges that the Organizer may change the price over time for some trips. In the event that the price of the requested trip changes in the period between sending the Order and concluding the contract, the Organizer will inform the Client of this fact with a draft agreement on further action.
    4.6. The obligation to pay the price of the registration fee in the amount of 20% of the trip price is fulfilled at the moment of crediting the relevant amount to the bank account of the Organizer’s Business Partner. After crediting the amount to the bank account of his Business Partner, the Organizer will issue a confirmation of the payment to the Client and send it in electronic form to the Client’s Electronic Address.
    5.1. The reservation fee in the amount of 20% paid by the client to the account of the Organizer’s Business Partner will remain at all times on his bank account kept in the Slovak Republic until the actual drawing of the trip by the Client.
    6.1. Client’s rights
    6.1.1. The client is entitled to draw a trip on presentation of a Voucher or SMS according to the conditions specified in the offer.
    6.2. Obligations of the Organizer
    6.2.1. The Organizer is obliged to ensure that the Client draws the trip under the conditions specified in the offer, without defects.
    6.2.2. It is not considered an error if there is a change in the date than the one specified in the order to the Client, if the Client was notified in advance of the possibility of changing the date by the Organizer himself in accordance with Art. 3.7.
    6.3. In connection with the trip, the Client is always obliged to follow the rules set by the Organizer. He is also obliged to submit to the operating and visiting rules at the place of the trip.
    7.1. See “Detailed conditions for participation in the trip”
  6. 8.1. The organizer is entitled to activities under the Agreement on the basis of ownership of the highest license type “A” (number 9019) granted by the Ministry of Tourism in Turkey.
  7. 8.2. The customer hereby assumes the risk of a change of circumstances in accordance with § 1765 par. 2 of the Civil Code.
  9. 9.1. Business conditions are available on the website www.ekskursijasturcija.lv
  10. 9.2. The business conditions are notified to the Client in accordance with the procedure for concluding the contract, before sending the order in accordance with Art. 3.5. and 3.6 and the client can print or save them using the functions of the Internet browser.
  11. 9.3. The concluded contracts are archived by the Organizer in electronic form and are not accessible.
  12. 9.4. The client has information about their orders sent in the form of e-mail messages to his e-mail address.
  14. 10.1. The statement can be delivered to the client’s e-mail address.
  15. Final provisions
  16. 11.2. If the legal relations established by the Agreement contain an international (foreign) element, then the Organizer and the Client agree that these relations are governed by Slovak law. This does not affect the consumer’s rights under generally binding legislation.
  17. 11.3. If any provision of the Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid or ineffective, the invalid provision will be replaced by a provision whose meaning is as close as possible to the invalid provision. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of one provision shall not affect the validity of the other provisions.
  18. Customer line CZ: +420 244 402 289
  19. Customer line Turkey: +90 850 307 65 77
  20. Email: info@ekskursijasturcija.lv